SparkBio turns “Light” in “ANScovery”

Long ago wrote an essay…

“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”

We strongly agree with this thought, and so we decided to create a new label to identify our exclusive product line for syncope and neurovegetative studies.

So, starting from August 1st 2013 our “Light System” will  change name and will be know as “ANScovery System”.

The name changes, and technology evolves…

This change of name will be better describe the function of the entire product line.

Moreover, the technology remains reliable and innovative, also thanks to improvements inserted by our engineering staff like a new function for BRS analysis in the last software Light release.

If you want to know more about ANScovery System, please visit our product pages or contact us at

We will give you all the information you need.

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