Finapres Medical Systems presents the new device Finapres® NOVA

Finapres Medical Systems presents the new device Finapres® NOVA

SparkBio is proud to announce that Finapres Medical Systems B.V. (FINAPRES)  launched a new innovative device: the Finapres® NOVA. It was presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC) in Amsterdam (August 31-September 4th, booth H370).

Finapres® NOVA represent the new generation of Finapres devices for the measurement and monitoring of continuous blood pressure and a variety of hemodynamic parameters.

The Finapres® NOVA is the first milestone of this combined effort, using the extensive experience of FINAPRES with the Finapres technology and the innovative high-tech medical device technology and development expertise of Demcon Advanced Mechatronics. The Finapres® NOVA provides a flexible platform with intuitive control that can easily be extended with hardware (HW) and software (SW) applications depending on user requirements. For instance with thenew CRT TrueMax software application, the Finapres® NOVA offers a powerful, fast and accurate protocol to easily optimize pacemaker settings that may well become the new gold standard.

To have more information about this product, please contact us, or visit the Finapres Medica Systems B.V. website

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